Feb 2019


Cloud innovation and the future of payroll services

Payroll servicing is evolving to a move towards automation and cloud flexibility for you, your clients and their employees. The latest technological advancements mean your payroll and HR processes can be more integrated into the cloud and streamlined with your payroll software than ever before.

The process of managing your client’s annual leave requests, recording leave on payroll software, sending payslips and payroll reports, updating contact details and managing employee HR documents can be time-consuming, frustrating and a costly process. More importantly, where is all this information stored? Many bureaus are still managing their clients’ workforces with old fashioned spreadsheets, manual processes and paper forms.

Today, payroll management is all about efficiency and there are several exciting developments that are happening right now in the cloud. It is now feasible for payroll to be profitable for bureaus offering it as a service. These day-to-day administrative payroll tasks can be process-driven and handled by cloud technology. The payroll and HR landscape is fast evolving as savvy bureau businesses move towards new-world online technologies.

Free Webinar for Payroll Bureaus

BrightPay are co-presenting a free webinar with the world’s most highly rated advisor to accountants, Steve Pipe.

  • BrightPay: Cloud innovation will be central to the future of payroll services
    During the webinar, BrightPay will discuss cloud innovation and how it will be central to the future of payroll services. Be ready to offer a new level of payroll and HR related services by embracing cloud innovation. Find out how to use automation tools to become more efficient, comply with new GDPR legislation and grow your practice.

  • Steve Pipe: How to use payroll to pay off your mortgage in 5 years
    During the webinar, Steve Pipe will show you how to earn enough extra money from payroll to pay off an average size mortgage in 5 years. Steve will discuss a powerful new step-by-step system for using payroll to win really high-quality new clients. Discover how you can make payroll one of your most profitable and strategically important service lines.

View webinar agenda | Register for webinar

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Posted byRachel HynesinBrightPay Connect