Jul 2018


Renewal of Tax Credits Deadline 31st July

The deadline of 31st July is fast approaching for employees renewing tax credits. Payments will be stopped if tax credits are not renewed by this deadline. HMRC are asking employers to encourage their employees to renew their claim for tax credits as soon as possible and to use the online method.

An employee can renew their tax credits online using their mobile device, tablet or computer. They can also renew on HMRC’s App. Renewing online is easy and is less time consuming, an employee can do this once they have received their renewal pack.

Employees need to report any changes in their circumstances that they have not previously reported to HMRC, for example, changes to working hours, income etc. HMRC has a specialist support team through the tax credits helpline that employees can contact if they cannot renew online.

Employers can help encourage their employees to renew their tax credits by:

  • Asking their employees to check their renewal packs and ensure all data is correct and up to date and renewing online
  • Ensuring all the employees payment details and personal details through payroll have been reported to HMRC by Real Time Information
  • Employers could include a note on the employees' payslips from April to July mentioning renewing tax credits and the deadline date
  • If there is a business/company newsletter, it could include a section on renewing tax credits and the deadline date.

Posted byDebbie ClarkeinHMRC

Jul 2018


GDPR & Payroll Processing: Do I need consent from my client’s employees?

Businesses must provide their employees with information on what happens to their data, for example sharing employee’s personal data with a payroll bureau who processes the payroll. Employee personal data can be stored and managed by a payroll bureau, bookkeeper or accountant for the sole benefit of correctly paying their wages, paying the correct tax and providing a payslip. All of this legitimately falls under the remit of the GDPR legislation.

Employee Consent

Many bureaus have expressed concern and confusion in relation to getting consent from client’s employees and securely distributing payslips. Payroll bureaus do not need to seek consent from individual employees that the payroll is processed for. However, the employer will need to inform their employees that they are sharing their personal information with a third party.

An employee cannot withdraw their consent for their personal data to be used as part of the payroll processing. It should be noted that bureaus should keep only the personal data that is strictly required for the purpose of the payroll. This is referred to as data minimisation or privacy by default.

GDPR Webinars

BrightPay is running a free webinar to help you with what you need to know about GDPR. The webinar takes place on 3rd July at 11.00 am and is free to attend for payroll bureaus and employers.

This webinar will look at the biggest areas of concern including emailing payslips, employee consent and your legal obligation. We will also look at some important steps to achieve GDPR compliance.

Click here to book your place now.

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Posted byRachel HynesinGDPRGeneral Data Protection Regulation