HMRC have advised that they are having intermittent issues and delays with RTI submissions and responses. Work is urgently being carried out to fix the issue.

Aug 2013


Real Time Information - Reconciling PAYE Charges

HMRC has published a message on their website regarding RTI reconciliation issues.

"We have received feedback that some PAYE schemes have experienced difficulties in reconciling the difference between:

· the tax we say is due, and

· the tax they think is due

We have set up a dedicated team to identify the cause of these discrepancies.

The team is working with a number of PAYE schemes to work through their examples to examine what is causing these discrepancies, and then to resolve them.

This will also enable us to:· understand the issue in greater depth, and · take the steps necessary to prevent them arising in the first place."

Posted byAnn TigheinPayroll SoftwareRTI