Aug 2014


Withdrawal of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) 0845 helpline telephone numbers from December 2014

All HMRC helplines now have 03 numbers, and the majority of calls by customers use those numbers. To help create a smooth transition to the new 03 numbers, and minimise inconvenience for customers, HMRC have continued to use their 0845 numbers.

0845 numbering stops December 2014

In December 2014, the 0845 lines to HMRC helplines will stop being used, and all calls to HMRC helplines will need to be made using 03 numbers.

To prepare for that change, from late August, customers using 0845 numbers to call HMRC helplines will hear a message letting them know that the 0845 line will be closing. The call will still be handled as normal, but customers will be given the relevant 03 number for the helpline.

In December 2014, when HMRC stop using the 0845 numbers, customers who continue using those numbers will hear a message saying that the line is closed. The message will give them the 03 number for the helpline and the call will then end. The customer will need to dial the 03 number to receive the assistance they were looking for.

Posted byAnn TigheinHMRCPayroll Software