Oct 2018


Announced Change to Apprenticeship Levy

The Chancellor Philip Hammond announced at the Conservative Party Conference that from April 2019 large employers paying the apprenticeship levy will be able to transfer up to 25% of their apprenticeship levy funds to businesses in their supply chain.


He is reported to have said “We have heard the concerns about how the apprenticeship levy is working, so today we’ve set out a series of measures to allow firms more flexibility in how the levy is spent. But we know we may need to do more to ensure that the levy supports the development of the skilled workforce our economy needs.”


The apprenticeship levy is paid by employers and will help fund new apprenticeships in the future. This levy of 0.5% is charged on employers’ pay bills which will be based on the total employee earnings subject to Class 1 secondary NICs. The levy is payable through Pay As You Earn (PAYE) and is payable alongside Income Tax and National Insurance.


Currently, an employer paying the apprenticeship levy can transfer up to 10% of their apprenticeship service funds to one other employer. In June this year Skills Minister Anne Milton announced that from July 2018 an employer paying the apprenticeship levy can make transfers up to 10% to multiple employers. This transfer option is the first large flexibility HMRC have offered to employers to assist in making apprenticeships work better for everyone.


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Posted byDebbie ClarkeinPayroll