Oct 2014


Zero hours contracts - UK legal settlement

Following legal action brought against Sports Direct they will be forced to re-write their Employment Contracts for future zero hours staff to state the roles do not guarantee work.

In a legal settlement aimed at securing better working rights for the retailers 20,000 plus zero hours workers, Sports Direct is required to:

• Produce clear written policies setting out what sick pay and paid holiday its zero hours staff are entitled to

• Re-write its job adverts and employment contracts for future pay zero hours staff to expressly state that the roles do not guarantee work

• Display copies of the new policies in all staff rooms used by zero hours staff across its 400 plus stores in the UK

• Send copies of its equal opportunities policy to all store managers and assistant managers with a written reminder that the policy and principles apply to zero hours staff.

The employees for Sports Direct will now have the right to take holidays and to be paid when they take them. They have the right to statutory sick pay and they will have a right to request guaranteed hours. The changes that have been made mean that there will now be total transparency about what sort of contract is on offer.

Posted byCaoimhe ByrneinEmployee ContractsPayroll Software