Oct 2018


Announced Change to Apprenticeship Levy

The Chancellor Philip Hammond announced at the Conservative Party Conference that from April 2019 large employers paying the apprenticeship levy will be able to transfer up to 25% of their apprenticeship levy funds to businesses in their supply chain.


He is reported to have said “We have heard the concerns about how the apprenticeship levy is working, so today we’ve set out a series of measures to allow firms more flexibility in how the levy is spent. But we know we may need to do more to ensure that the levy supports the development of the skilled workforce our economy needs.”


The apprenticeship levy is paid by employers and will help fund new apprenticeships in the future. This levy of 0.5% is charged on employers’ pay bills which will be based on the total employee earnings subject to Class 1 secondary NICs. The levy is payable through Pay As You Earn (PAYE) and is payable alongside Income Tax and National Insurance.


Currently, an employer paying the apprenticeship levy can transfer up to 10% of their apprenticeship service funds to one other employer. In June this year Skills Minister Anne Milton announced that from July 2018 an employer paying the apprenticeship levy can make transfers up to 10% to multiple employers. This transfer option is the first large flexibility HMRC have offered to employers to assist in making apprenticeships work better for everyone.


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Posted byDebbie ClarkeinPayroll

Oct 2018


Customer Update: October 2018

BrightPay wins ‘Payroll Software of the Year’

BrightPay was announced the winner of ‘Payroll Software of the Year’ at this year’s AccountingWEB’s Software Excellence Awards. It’s a great achievement for BrightPay to win this prestigious award, especially considering the number of larger software companies offering payroll.

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Free CPD Webinar: GDPR 5 Months on!

This FREE CPD accredited webinar will look at what’s new in GDPR, how it may affect your business and what we have learned from the GDPR 5 months on. We will also have a look at how BrightPay can help your organisation utilise the new regulation to benefit you, your customers and your employees. The webinar will include a demo of how our new client entry feature can save you time and help you work towards GDPR compliance.

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BrightPay Connect’s New Bureau Feature: Client Payroll Entry (Launching Soon)

BrightPay Connect’s newest feature gives payroll bureaus the ability to send payroll requests to their clients. Clients can then enter payments, additions and deductions for their employees and can also add new starters through their online employer dashboard. The information entered by the client will seamlessly flow through to the bureau’s portal, ready to sync back to the payroll software. Book a demo to see how useful this new feature will be.

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BrightPay Connect’s New Bureau Feature: Client Payroll Approval Request (Launching Soon)

The Payroll Approval Request allows bureau users to securely send their clients a payroll summary before the payroll is finalised. Clients can then review and approve the payroll for the pay period through their online employer dashboard. Ultimately, your client will be accountable for ensuring that the payroll information is 100% correct before the payroll is finalised. Book a demo to see how useful this new feature will be.

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New Customers: 50% Discount + 1 FREE BrightPay Connect Licence

New customers can now save when they switch to BrightPay. Get 50% off a BrightPay 2018/19 licence and one free BrightPay Connect 2018/19 licence. Offer valid for 2018/19 licences for the first year subscription only.

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BrightPay secures investment from Hg

We are very excited to announce that BrightPay has secured investment from Hg, a specialist technology investor. This partnership benefits BrightPay as we can access the experience and support of Hg and its network, whilst retaining voting control of the business. “It’s great to secure an investment from a firm who both knows our market and has the experience to help us develop the business.”

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BrightPay Connect: The GDPR Survival Toolkit

BrightPay Connect is tailored to help you overcome some of the key challenges that the GDPR presents when processing payroll. The payroll itself is still processed on BrightPay’s desktop application, however, the payroll information is stored online on a secure cloud server, allowing us to bring you even more benefits to help you with GDPR compliance.

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BrightPay Connect: The perfect HR solution for your business

BrightPay Connect has built-in features giving employers an easy to use HR solution where employers can seamlessly manage employee leave and upload HR documents, such as contracts of employment. Employees can request leave through their employee portal or smartphone app. These features will automate and streamline many of the day-to-day HR functions that you deal with.

BrightPay Connect | HR features

72 Hours: The timeline of a GDPR breach

With the GDPR now in full effect, it is important to be aware of the consequences that apply to those businesses that have chosen not to comply with the new data protection legislation. Any company now found to not be in compliance can face a fine of €20 million or 4% of their annual turnover, whichever is greater.

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Posted byRachel HynesinCustomer Update

Oct 2018


Data Protection complaints increase since GDPR

Nearly 5 months since the General data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was introduced across all of the European Union, complaints around Data Protection have nearly doubled in the UK according to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)

GDPR was designed to give Data Subjects more control over their personal data, with more transparency and the threat of larger fines to those in breach of the new rules. The GDPR requires any company that suffers a data breach to notify its users/data subjects within 72 hours of the breach being discovered.

• Data protection complaints to the UK’s ICO rose to 4214 in July compared to just 2310 complaints received in May before the GDPR came into force. A spokes person for the ICO said the increase was expected, as more users became aware of data protection because of publicity around the new rules and following a series of high-profile data scandals involving some well-known household names, like Morrison’s and Dixons Carphone.

• In July the ICO reported that since May 25th, it had seen a four-fold increase in the number of breaches that organizations were self-reporting.


Experts note, however that the increase’s do not mean that the number of data breaches has suddenly gone up, but rather reflects the full scale of the data breach problem becoming better known.
Organisations that fail to comply with GDPR can face fines of up to 4% of annual global revenue or €20 million, whichever is greater. So far none of the EU’s Data Protection Agency’s have levied any fines. Multiple DPA’s told the International Association of Privacy Professionals Advisor Newsletter that it is simply too soon.

We will be hosting a free online webinar on ‘GDPR 5 Months On’ on Tuesday October 16th at 11am, where we will look at the implications of GDPR on payroll processing and how employer’s can be demonstrate compliance by following a few, simple steps.
To register for this webinar please click here.

Posted byJennie HusseyinContract of employmentEmployee RecordsEmployee Self ServiceGDPRGeneral Data Protection Regulation