Automatic Enrolment Overview

Under the Pensions Act 2008, every employer in the UK must enrol certain staff into a workplace pension scheme and contribute towards it. This is called 'automatic enrolment'. Automatic enrolment is a Government initiative to help more people save for later life through a pension scheme at work.

Auto enrolment is automatic for employees, but it is not automatic for employers. Employers who have at least one employee have to carry out a number of mandatory duties to fully comply with automatic enrolment. These employer duties include setting up a pension scheme, enrolling eligible employees into the pension scheme, deducting pension contributions from employee's pay and much more.

Automatic enrolment is a natural extension of the payroll process, making more sense for employers to process the majority of these duties within their payroll software. The Pensions Regulator recommends that you use payroll software that will cater for and handle the auto enrolment duties.

Automatic Enrolment in BrightPay

BrightPay includes full auto enrolment functionality free of charge to all customers. BrightPay has developed comprehensive auto enrolment features to make it easier for users to complete their new automatic enrolment duties.

BrightPay automates and streamlines the auto enrolment process, including employee assessment, enrolment (including batch enrolling), personalised auto enrolment letters, postponement, opt-in requests, opt-out requests & refunds, ongoing employee monitoring, and re-enrolment. BrightPay also includes integration with workplace pension providers to seamlessly send enrolment and contribution details to the pension provider.

Book a demo today to discover how BrightPay can help you with your automatic enrolment duties.

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