Feb 2013


RTI - lessons from the RTI pilot

One of the main lessons learnt from the RTI pilot was that all employee information (name, date of birth, address and valid National Insurance number) should be accurate and up to date.

Click here for a form which you can give to your employees to help cleanse your data.

Another lesson related to the use of Works Numbers or Payroll IDs by HMRC. A change in Works Number sometimes resulted in duplicate records in HMRC's system with a corresponding overstatement of liability. To overcome this potential problem, BrightPay, in common with many other software providers, will treat the Works Number as your own and assign a separate Payroll ID for RTI purposes.

Bright Contracts – Employment Contracts and Handbooks.
BrightPay – Payroll & Auto Enrolment Software.

Posted byPaul ByrneinPayroll SoftwareRTI