Jul 2013


Auto Enrolment

The Government has made changes to encourage people to save for retirement.

People in the UK today can expect to live longer than ever before.

The number of retired people will rise by more than a third by 2050 but there will be relatively fewer working people.

Pension reform aims to help people to save for their retirement so they don’t have to rely only on the State Pension.

The Pensions Act 2008 introduced new duties on employers to provide access to a workplace pension scheme for most workers.

The new duties are being introduced gradually and employers have a staging date based on how many workers are on their payroll. By 2018 all employers must have a scheme in place. You need to know when the duties apply to your organisation and which workers you’ll have to enrol.

The date when the law is 'switched on' for your business is known as your 'staging date'.

Find out your 'staging date' by clicking here.

Bright Contracts – Employment Contracts and Handbooks.
BrightPay – Payroll & Auto Enrolment Software.

Posted byGerri McGinleyinAuto EnrolmentPayroll Software