May 2016


How to attract more of your ideal clients - a guest blog by Mark Lee

Auto-enrolment brings both new challenges and new opportunities.

When I talk to smaller practitioners I am no longer surprised when they tell me that they struggle to attract their ideal clients. They may have a steady flow of new clients through their website, referrals or networking. But all too often these new clients aren't willing to pay the fees accountants want to charge. And these new clients aren't often likely to want more than the bare basics of the service available.

Is this ringing any bells?

The first thing to stress is that if you want things to be different it is you who will have to do something different first. If you carry on doing what you have always done, you should expect nothing better than you've always got.

Perhaps you have decided on your preferred solution as regards auto-enrolment. If you are able to discuss and explain the options with employers you may find that you are one step ahead of the competition. Would you rather be taking on new clients who have already decided how to address their auto-enrolment obligations or those who need your help in making the crucial decisions?

Here are five simple steps you need to take if you want to attract your ideal clients:

  1. Decide who are your ideal clients. And you need to be more specific than just anyone who is prepared to pay you at least a certain sum each year. The more specific you can be the better.
  2. Clarify what you can offer them that they will value. Identifying a select group or type of clients makes this a lot easier.
  3. Ensure that your website, marketing materials, online profiles and what you say when you are networking all reference those ideal clients.
  4. Rehearse a couple of stories about existing clients that those ideal ones can relate to. Talk about the problems they had and how much better things were after you were appointed.
  5. Share those stories with your business connections when you ask if they know anyone who fits the bill. Summed up like that it all seems so simple. If only that were the case.

On 17th May you can learn more about this and how to stand out from your rivals to attract clients who are happy to pay you a premium for that special something only you can deliver. That's just one of the topics I will be addressing during the accountants' breakthrough webinar.

You will hear from myself and Patrick McLoughlin of Accounting for Growth, the practice growth specialists. Patrick will explain the 4 core competencies you must master to attract a consistent flow of ideal clients.

We are collaborating on this new project which starts with this 60 minute Free Webinar, from 11am, May 17th. It's the first of a series that will form the Accountants' Breakthrough Programme.

Register now by clicking on this link to ensure that you qualify for founder member status and special privileges even if you cannot make the launch webinar on 17 May.

Mark Lee FCA can be reached through his website:

Posted byKaren BennettinAuto EnrolmentEvents