Aug 2016


Auto Enrolment: Over 200,000 Employers have Complied

In The Pensions Regulator's monthly declaration of compliance report over 200,000 employers have completed their automatic enrolment duties and over 6.5 million employees have been enrolled in an automatic enrolment pension scheme. In July's Declaration of Compliance Report shows that more than 6.5 million employees have began contributing to their pension after having been automatically enrolled by their employer.

Over 156,000 small and micro (up to 9 employees) employers have now declared that they have complied with their automatic enrolment duties. This is over 3 times the amount of medium and large employers that have complied, over 44,000. Over 960,000 employees employed by small and micro employers have been enrolled under automatic enrolment.

Posted byDebbie ClarkeinAuto EnrolmentPayroll Software