Aug 2016


Employment Intermediaries - Ensure you avoid Penalties for Incorrect Reporting

Employment Intermediaries that have the contract with the client have to send a report to HMRC periodically. The report contains the details of all workers they place with clients where the intermediary does not operate Pay As You Earn (PAYE) on the workers' payments. The Intermediary can decide how frequently they send this report to HMRC - they have several options available including sending these reports weekly or monthly. But the report has to be send to HMRC at least once every 3 months.

From next week, 5th August 2016, penalties will start to apply for late filing of these reports. The report for the first 3 months - 6th April to 5th July 2016 - will be due for filing on 5th August 2016. The amount per penalty depends on the amount of infringements in the prior 12 month period. The penalties are £250 for the first infringement, £500 for the second and £1,000 for the third and other charges will apply for further infractions. If a report is submitted late, but is after 12 months since the last report was late it will be only deemed as the first offence.

If a report sent is incorrect or is missing any information, penalties may occur. These penalties are determined on a case by case basis. If the incorrect report is replaced by a corrected report before the deadline approaches without being prompted by HMRC, this will be taken into consideration if a penalty has to be paid. Where reports are consistently late or are failed to be submitted a penalty of up to £600 per day that the report is late may apply.

Posted byDebbie ClarkeinHMRC