May 2018
Payroll Data & GDPR - What you need to know about consent, emailing payslips, and your legal obligation.
Employers must take steps to protect and securely manage employee’s personal data to comply with GDPR. Equally, where a business outsources their payroll to a third party, they are legally obliged to provide assurances to safeguard the payroll information they manage on behalf of their clients.
Given recent cyber-attacks, an updated security process is definitely required to protect the personal data that we manage. GDPR is not a new concept, it is simply a data protection process that is being upgraded to protect all individuals. Essentially, GDPR is an overhaul of the way we process, manage and store individual’s personal data.
This free webinar will uncover the ins and outs of the impact of GDPR on your payroll processing, highlighting the biggest areas of concern including emailing payslips, employee consent and your legal obligation. Places are limited, book early to avoid disappointment.
We will walk you through some important steps to achieve GDPR compliance by examining the following topics:
What does GDPR mean for your payroll processing?
Payslips & GDPR Compliance
Breaching GDPR
BrightPay & GDPR
GDPR is changing how we communicate with you. After May 2018, we will not be able to email you about webinar events, special offers, legislation changes, other group products and payroll related news without you subscribing to our newsletter. You will be able to unsubscribe at any time. Don’t miss out - sign up to our newsletter today!
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