Jul 2019


Roll back the clock: How cloud payroll reclaims hours of lost productivity

What would you do with 15% more time? It’s not to be sniffed at: over the course of 24-hours that amounts to over three-and-a-half hours, and in a working day, 15% is well over an extra hour! That’s time you could spend with family, learning French, going for a run, or just getting more done at work. No over-stretched payroll professional would sniff at this spare chunk of time -- and yet, according to BrightPay’s estimates, many payroll bureaus are unknowingly losing 15% of their working time completing mind-numbing, repetitive admin.

It doesn’t need to be like this. Many of the tasks eating up 15% of your day aren’t technical. Your clients and their employees could easily satisfy those needs for themselves. In short, the problem isn’t technical, it’s technological. Using the right payroll solution is a critical step towards reclaiming these lost hours. With BrightPay Connect, for example, you can grant access to the client dashboard for as many users as required for each of your payroll customers.

The client dashboard includes an overview of their employer details, notifications, all employee's contact details and payslips, any outstanding amounts due to HMRC and payroll reports that have been set up in BrightPay on the desktop application. All this can be accessed by the client remotely, at any time, with no help needed from your end. Without losing control: you retain a role as administrator, and you can also share administrative access to all clients with your colleagues.

Employers using BrightPay Connect can share their payroll data with anyone who needs it, too - for example a departmental or HR manager. BrightPay’s employer dashboard can be used to empower authorised individuals to get what they need when they need it.

Generally, bureaus send payroll reports to clients each pay period by email which, aside from security issues, can be quite a laborious and time-consuming task. A client online dashboard eliminates these twin concerns by empowering clients to help themselves.

The BrightPay Connect client portal automatically synchronises payroll reports and client information in one central online location, providing your clients with:

  • Access to an overview of all payroll reports, employee payslips and amounts due to HMRC.
  • Saved payroll reports are automatically available to clients each pay period.
  • Seamless annual leave management, with leave requests instantly added to a company-wide online leave calendar.
  • Facility to enter employee hours, payments, additions and deductions for the pay period.
  • Approve the payroll summary statement before the payroll is finalised.

No more laborious, repetitive admin. Just one simple client portal that can save you hours every pay period while simultaneously reducing HR queries and payroll administrative tasks. Book a BrightPay Connect demo today to see just how much time cloud automation and integration can save you.