Oct 2019


Customer Update: October 2019

Welcome to BrightPay's October update where you will find out about the latest hot topics and events affecting payroll. Our most important news this month include:

Free webinar: Payroll transformed - How cloud platforms supercharge the payroll process for employers

The relationship between employees and the employer is no longer one-directional. What software has created is a new collaborative framework in which employers can easily engage with their employees while managing payroll and HR processes. Payroll software with cloud integration envelops the day-to-day tasks like annual leave management, payslip distribution and backing up your payroll. Register for this FREE webinar where we’ll zoom in on six exciting ways that employer cloud platforms have transformed the payroll process.

Changes to Student Loans from 6th April 2020

New rates for the tax year 2020/21 for Student Loan Plans 1 and 2 have been announced by the Department of Education. The new rates will apply to all current and future borrowers for whom employers make Student Loan deductions. In BrightPay 2020/21, the new student loan repayment thresholds for both plans will automatically be calculated and the appropriate student loan deduction applied.

Find out more

New Feature Announcement: Batch Operations for Payroll Bureaus

BrightPay users have the ability to batch process multiple employers at the same time. This feature is very useful for bureau users, especially for those with a lot of single-director companies or payrolls that don’t change from week to week. The Batch Operation function enables users to process or perform a task on multiple employer files with a single click. Batch processing is available to finalise payslips, to check for coding notices and to send outstanding RTI & CIS submissions for multiple employers at the same time.

Find out more

Have you heard of our smartphone app which is free for employees?

BrightPay’s employee self-service smartphone and tablet app is available with our cloud add-on BrightPay Connect. The user-friendly app streamlines the payroll processing while reducing the number of payroll queries from employees. The benefits for employees include:

  • Instant access to current & historic payslips.
  • Request leave on the go.
  • View holiday leave remaining and leave taken.
  • View HR documents such as employee contracts & handbooks.
  • Edit personal contact information including address and phone number details.

Free webinar for payroll bureaus: Cloud platforms - the next generation payroll trend that every bureau should adopt

Online client platforms are transforming payroll services to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of payroll work. BrightPay is running a series of free webinars where we look at cloud innovation and how it’s positively impacting the way bureaus and accountants offer payroll services. Join us for our upcoming webinar as we take a look at what’s new with cloud technology and how it may affect your payroll processing.

Posted byKaren BennettinCustomer Update