Jun 2021


Customer Update: June 2021

Welcome to BrightPay's June update. Our most important news this month include:

Leaving Lockdown & The Ongoing Need for Furlough       

Although the UK is approaching the end of the roadmap out of lockdown, many businesses will need to avail of the furlough scheme until its very end in September 2021. Join BrightPay for a free webinar on 16th June where we discuss the furlough changes that are taking effect from the beginning of July.

Book your place now Webinar agenda

Disaster Recovery and How Cloud Backups Can Help   

Data loss poses a serious and unpredictable risk for many businesses. Never lose your payroll data again with BrightPay Connect as it maintains a chronological history of your backups. You can restore and download any of the backups to your PC or Mac at any time. 

10-minute demo

Digital Banking and its Impact on the Payroll Sector 

Rather than using the traditional Bacs payment services to pay employees, you can use Faster Payments Service to send money in real-time between bank accounts. A digital payments infrastructure offers greater payroll flexibility, reducing unnecessary stress. 

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How to Manage the Annual Leave Backlog  

A self-service system is the simplest way to manage your staff's annual leave – both from a HR and employee perspective. Give employees control to request annual leave, view leave taken and leave remaining all through an app on their smartphone or tablet.  

Make your Payroll Bureau Service Stand Out   

Introducing new cloud technologies to your clients and their employees can make it easier to grow your practice while saving money, time and improving efficiencies. Download this guide to discover easy steps you can take to ensure your bureau service stands out.   


Posted byHolly McHughinCustomer Update