Nov 2021


Horror Stories about Data Loss (and how payroll backups can help)

Data security is becoming more and more important in today’s world – especially when we store, process and send confidential information such as payslips, employee hours and payroll reports. Have you thought about what would happen if your computer crashed or was hacked? How would you get your payroll data back quickly? And most importantly, would employees still get paid if the information was lost?

Unfortunately, there are lots of causes of data loss like this. If you don’t backup your data to the cloud or to an external device, it could be gone forever. Luckily, there is a way to protect yourself against this horror situation. BrightPay’s add-on product, BrightPay Connect, enables you to automatically and securely backup the payroll data online.

Backing up and storing payroll data in the cloud offers the perfect solution to protect your payroll data, as well as improve the security of your business. BrightPay Connect is powered using the latest web technologies and hosted on Microsoft Azure for ultimate performance, reliability, and scalability.

Book a Connect demo BrightPay Connect pricing

Book a free 15-minute online demo today to ensure that you never lose your payroll data and discover the many other benefits that BrightPay Connect can offer your business such as an employer dashboard, employee self-service portal, multiple users, and much more.

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Posted byHolly McHughinBrightPay Connect

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