Nov 2018


Simplify your annual leave management with BrightPay Connect

Annual leave management is something a lot of payroll and HR staff consider to be an administrative nightmare. Having to manually approve requests, keeping track of employees annual leave remaining and inputting leave into the payroll software can be a frustrating requirement that takes up far too much time.

Nowadays, people prefer an all-in-one, self-service option, so that’s what BrightPay offers. BrightPay Connect is a secure cloud add-on to BrightPay payroll software and simplifies the annual leave process.

Using BrightPay Connect’s intuitive self-service portal, employees can log in at any time, from anywhere. They can instantly request annual leave, view their annual leave remaining and access a personal calendar containing any upcoming booked leave or previous leave taken.

Once an employee has requested leave, the employer will receive a notification allowing them to either approve or deny that request instantly! Employers can also view a complete company-wide leave calendar showing all employees leave dates. Any leave approved by the employer or HR manager automatically flows back to BrightPay payroll software.

The annual leave management facility is only one feature unlocked with BrightPay Connect. To see more powerful features that BrightPay Connect can bring to your business, book an online demo now.

Written by Cailín Reilly | BrightPay Payroll Software

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Posted byCailin ReillyinBrightPay Connect

Jan 2018


BrightPay & Aviva: Hello one-click pension submissions.

Time-consuming pension file CSV uploads can now become a thing of the past as BrightPay have teamed up with Aviva to bring both employers and payroll bureaus a one-click pension submission. Using Aviva’s API technology, files can be directly sent from one system to another electronically. An API facility is a similar concept to RTI where one system (i.e. payroll software) can instantly communicate with another system (i.e. pension provider.


If Aviva is your chosen workplace pension scheme you can simply send your pension contributions to Aviva in an instant. There is no need to leave the BrightPay application to submit your pension contributions as the Aviva API accesses the pension file that BrightPay has created. This pension file can then be sent through to the Aviva portal with just a few clicks on BrightPay.


Whether you process payroll and automatic enrolment (AE) for your small business or for your payroll bureau’s multiple clients, you can easily comply with your legal duties without having to tirelessly toggle between tabs on your PC.


BrightPay are pleased to be the first payroll software to offer this API integration with Aviva. BrightPay and Aviva customers are saving invaluable time each pay period. If you’d like to see how BrightPay can streamline other tedious automatic enrolment tasks you can book an online demo today. Find out more on our Aviva API webpage.


Written by Cailín Reilly.

Posted byCailin ReillyinAuto EnrolmentNew FeaturesSoftware Upgrade

Jan 2018


The UK’s gender pay gap has risen. Here’s how you can help.

The Prime Minister has announced that she is taking action to close the pay gap between male and female employees and ultimately improve workplace equality.

This push being taken by the Prime Minister came after new figures were published. The figures showed that the UK’s overall gender pay gap has risen to 18.4%. Interestingly, the gap for full time workers has fallen from 9.4% in 2016 to 9.1% in 2017.

By law, businesses with 250 plus employees must report the pay gaps and bonus data as a mandatory requirement.

In a bid to seal the gender pay gap The Prime Minister is now asking all companies for their help.

“The gender pay gap isn’t going to close on its own – we all need to be taking sustained action to make sure we address this.”

Here are some of the recommended ways that all businesses can help:

  • Ensure there are female representatives at senior level. This can be achieved by ensuring there are opportunities to progress for females within a company. This can also be achieved by introducing a return to work scheme for women.
  • Publish gender pay gap information. This can prove helpful in closing the gender pay gap if all companies, even those with fewer than 250 employees, publish this information.
  • Make flexible working a reality. This should be advertised with a new position from the start.




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Posted byCailin ReillyinPay/Wage

Oct 2017


5 simple scenarios to stop pension scams

A pension scam – when someone tries to con you out of your pension money – will often start by someone contacting you unexpectedly with one of many pension scenarios. If you find yourself in one of these scenarios make sure to act fast to prevent becoming a victim of a pension scam.

1. You have received a cold call offering a free pension review.

Hang up! Scammers will often impersonate government-backed organisations in order to swindle you out of your savings. These organisations will never offer you a free pension review.

2. You have been offered advice about your pension.

Pension scammers can act as Financial Advisors. Be sure to check the FCA list of approved advisors. If the advisor is not on that list then they are not regulated and you are not protected.

3. You have been told you need to act fast to secure a ‘limited time offer’.

Don’t be rushed into making a decision about your pension. Scammers will try to rush you, offering ‘discounts’ that are likely to be time sensitive. Take the time you need to ensure the legitimacy of the deal. This may mean ‘missing out’ but could be the difference between keeping your pension fund secure and losing all your savings.

4. Your friend has recommended an investment to you.

You might trust that your friend is financially wise but this confidence in your friend can translate to you being scammed. Always do your research on a company. Don’t take someone else's word!

5. You have been offered an unbelievable deal.

Be cautious of unregulated investments that offer exclusive or exotic sounding investments, often described as ‘overseas’. Many of these investments claim ‘guaranteed returns’. If you think something sounds too good to be true - it probably is.



Posted byCailin ReillyinAuto Enrolment