Aug 2012


The National Insurance Contributions (Application of Part 7 of the Finance Act 2004) Regulations 2012 (SI 2012/1868)

These regulations replace all previous versions of the regulations and consolidate them into a single instrument. This legislation comes into effect on 1 September 2012.

The most recent changes relate mainly to anti avoidance and an explanatory memorandum can be viewed here.

The regulations can be viewed here.

Bright Contracts – Employment contracts and handbooks.
BrightPay – Payroll & Auto Enrolment Software

Posted byPaul ByrneinNIC

Aug 2012


HMRC August Deadlines

 To avoid paying late you must make sure HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) have cleared funds by the due date for the relevant PAYE period. 

For month ending the 05th August the deadlines are:

19th August     
Cheque payments should reach your Accounts Office by 19th August.

22nd August     Electronic payments should have cleared into the HMRC bank account by 22nd August.


Bright Contracts – Employment contracts and handbooks.
BrightPay – Payroll & Auto Enrolment Software.

Posted byKaren McDarbyinHMRC

Jul 2012


Sending letters to HMRC about Self Assessment and PAYE

The Working Together post working group is running a pilot exercise to encourage the use of signpost headings on letters that agents send to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) regarding their clients' Self Assessment and PAYE affairs.

These headings will enable HMRC to identify the broad content of a letter, decide whether specific technical input is required and allow them to make sure the correspondence reaches the right area of the department. HMRC hopes that introducing these headings will improve processing times.

Read the HMRC article here.

Bright Contracts – Employment contracts and handbooks.
BrightPay – Payroll & Auto Enrolment Software


Posted byPaul ByrneinHMRCPAYE

Jul 2012


Approaching HMRC deadlines

To avoid paying late you must make sure HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) have cleared funds by the due date. If you pay electronically the due date is the 22nd of the month following the end of the tax month, or quarter to which it relates.

For 2012-13, PAYE month 03 - or quarter 1 - period ended 5th July 2012, the due date is Sunday 22nd July 2012.

Additionally for 2011-12, Class 1A NICs, the due date is Sunday 22nd July 2012.

HMRC must receive cleared funds by Sunday 22nd July 2012.


Bright Contracts – Employment contracts and handbooks.
BrightPay – Payroll & Auto Enrolment Software

Posted byKaren McDarbyinHMRCNICPAYEPayroll

Jul 2012


Tax Return Initiative offers chance to settle tax bills

Higher rate taxpayers who have failed to submit tax returns are being offered the opportunity to come forward and pay up under a time-limited HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) campaign.

The Tax Return Initiative, launched on 3 July, is aimed specifically at people liable to pay tax at rates of 40% and above who have been told to submit a Self Assessment tax return for 2009/10 or earlier, but have not done so. However the campaign is also available to any individual who has tax returns to submit to HMRC for these years. 

People have until 2 October 2012 to tell HMRC they want to take part, submit completed returns, and pay the tax and National Insurance Contributions (NICs) that they owe. By coming forward voluntarily through the campaign customers will receive better terms, and any penalty they pay will be lower than if HMRC comes to them first. 



Bright Contracts - Employment contracts and handbooks.
BrightPay – Payroll & Auto Enrolment Software

Posted byKaren McDarbyinHMRC

Jul 2012


Removal of some occupations listed as being employees for NIC purposes.

'Lecturers, teachers or instructors' are no longer included in the list of occupations for NIC purposes covered by Social Security (Categorisation of Earners) Regulations 1978. Normal employment status rules apply. The CWG2(2012) Employer further guide to PAYE and NICs' Chapter 1 Page 5 has been updated.


Bright Contracts - Employment contracts and handbooks.
BrightPay – Payroll & Auto Enrolment Software

Read more at >

Posted byPaul ByrneinHMRCNICPAYEPayroll

Jun 2012


BrightPay 2013/14 - Ready for RTI

In April 2013 HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) is introducing a new way of reporting PAYE: Real Time Information, or RTI.

Most employers will be legally required to report payroll information in real time from April 2013 with all employers doing so before October 2013. HMRC will tell you when your business needs to make this move.

BrightPay 2013/14 will comply to RTI payroll processes.


Bright Contracts - Employment contracts and handbooks.
BrightPay – Payroll & Auto Enrolment Software


Posted byKaren McDarbyinHMRCReal time information