Jan 2022


Customer Update: January 2022

Welcome to BrightPay's January update. Our most important news this month include:

5 ways to boost the efficiency of your payroll process      

Boost the efficiency of your payroll process by using cloud technology. BrightPay Connect enables your HR and payroll processes to be more streamlined than ever before. Join our webinar to find out how your business can benefit.

Book your place here Find out more

How to make a profit while streamlining your payroll services 

Kick-off the new year by aligning your payroll software around key goals that will help propel your company into the future! By introducing cloud technology to your payroll such as BrightPay Connect, your payroll and HR processes can be more streamlined than ever before.

Book your place here Find out more

2022 is the year of the payroll app 

An employee app has many benefits, including improving employee engagement and reducing admin work for employers. BrightPay Connect gives employees access to their payslip library 24/7, the ability to request annual leave, and update personal details. Book a free 15-minute online demo to see for yourself.

Book a demo Watch video

Extending the hybrid-working plan 

Due to current COVID-19 restrictions, it is advised that people work from home (if they can). Download our free e-book to find out how payroll technology can help your business adapt to remote working again and how to best manage employees.

Take the repetitiveness out of payroll 

Without integrated systems, you will find yourself entering payroll data repeatedly because the information needs to be inputted into multiple systems. BrightPay’s range of APIs include direct integration with pension providers, eleven accounting software packages, and our newest integration with payments platform Modulr, to pay employees through BrightPay.


Posted byHolly McHughinCustomer Update

Nov 2021


Customer Update: November 2021

Welcome to BrightPay's November update. Our most important news this month include:

How to Make a Profit while Streamlining your Payroll Services      

New cloud technologies are positively impacting the way bureaus and accountants offer payroll services to their clients. Join us for a free webinar on 23rd November where our experts discuss 6 tips for payroll success while making a profit.

Book your place here Find out more

5 Tips for a Better Payroll Process from Start to Finish 

New cloud technologies are positively impacting the way employers process payroll and manage employee leave. Join us for a free webinar on 25th November where our experts discuss how you can streamline the entire process from start to finish.

Book your place here Find out more

Easily Manage Attachment of Earnings Orders with BrightPay 

BrightPay allows users to easily add an attachment of earnings order to an employee’s payslip. Once it is set up, BrightPay will continue to apply the Attachment Order to the employee’s payslip from the relevant payslips.

Find out more Watch short video

Good News for Accountants: Pay Your Clients’ Employees Instantly  

Are you looking for an easy and fast way to pay employees, subcontractors and HMRC? BrightPay’s integration with the payments platform, Modulr, eliminates the need to create bank files when paying employees. Find out more and register for our upcoming webinar on 11th November at 10 am.

Good News for Employers: Pay Employees Instantly

Are you looking for an easy and fast way to pay employees, subcontractors and HMRC? BrightPay’s integration with the payments platform, Modulr, eliminates the need to create bank files when paying employees. Find out more and register for our upcoming webinar on 11th November at 12 pm.

Payroll and Accounting Software Integration - The Best of Both Worlds  

BrightPay includes direct API integration with some of the UK’s leading accounting packages such as Sage, QuickBooks and Xero. This accounting software integration allows for the payroll data to be sent directly into the accounting system from within BrightPay. Book an online demo of BrightPay today to see how the accounts integration features can benefit your business.

The Year that was: 2021 in Review  

2021 was a year of both personal and business challenges. COVID-19 changed life as we knew it and resulted in a lot of changes being made worldwide. New policies were introduced, people's places of work changed as well as a number of other adjustments.

Join Bright Contracts for a look back at 2021 where we detail all the employment law changes that were made and a look forward as to what the year 2022 will bring.


Posted byHolly McHughinCustomer Update

Oct 2021


Customer Update: October 2021

Welcome to BrightPay's October update. Our most important news this month include:

How is payroll impacted by the new national insurance levy?      

A 1.25% health and social care levy on earned income will come into effect in April 2022. BrightPay payroll software will be updated to apply the new rates to employee’s earnings accordingly.

Read blog

How to boost the efficiency of your payroll process (for employers)

Don’t let payroll be a task that you dread every pay period. Find out how the power of cloud technology allows employers to spend less time on payroll admin and more time on more important aspects of the business in our latest webinar.

Watch on demand now

Payroll success with increased profits (for bureaus)

Transform your payroll services and increase profits with BrightPay Connect. Discover six ways that cloud technology can integrate and streamline your payroll and HR processes in our latest webinar.

Watch on demand now

Set up BrightPay for multiple users 

Each BrightPay licence key can be installed and activated on up to 10 PCs. If shared access is required, the data location can be set to your server or cloud environment.

How hybrid working has transformed payroll forever 

In this guide, we discuss how COVID-19 has affected payroll and what long-term implications we should expect to see in the near future, including long-term hybrid working.

Get your free copy

10 tips for successfully switching payroll software  

In this guide, we discuss the challenges when switching payroll software providers and top tips to ensure you have a smooth transition.

A step closer to sustainability

Earlier this year at BrightPay we formed a ‘Green Team’ that will identify and implement opportunities that can improve the sustainability of our company. Follow us on our journey to keep up with our latest projects.

The roadmap out of lockdown  

Join our sister product Bright Contracts for their free webinar on 13th October where they will be discussing SSP & isolation, hybrid working, redundancy and many more hot topics.


Posted byHolly McHughinCustomer Update

Sep 2021


Customer Update: September 2021

Welcome to BrightPay's September update. Our most important news this month include:

5 ways to boost the efficiency of your payroll process (webinar for employers)       

Join our upcoming webinar on 16th September where we discuss practical ways you can streamline payroll and HR processes within your business using cloud technology.

Register now Find out more

6 tips for payroll success while making a profit (webinar for bureaus)

Join our upcoming webinar on 29th September where we discuss practical ways you can streamline payroll and HR processes in your practice using cloud technology while making a profit. 

Register now Find out more

Free eBook: Hybrid working and payroll 

Discover how you can use the move to hybrid working as an opportunity to grow and diversify your practice while also improving how you communicate with clients. 

Download free guide

Furlough scheme ends 30 September 

We are now in the last remaining weeks of the furlough scheme as the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) will end on 30th September 2021. Unless there is a sudden and surprising change of policy, the government support for organisations affected by COVID-19 will end.

How do I choose a re-enrolment date? 

Re-enrolment occurs every 3 years from your staging date. Your re-enrolment date is chosen by you, and you have a 6-month window to choose from. The 6-month window rule means that you can choose a date three months before your staging date and up until three months after it.

It’s time to go paperless: how an employee app can help?

BrightPay Connect is a cloud add-on to our payroll software that can help you to digitalise payroll and HR processes, allowing you to cut down on your use of paper and even stop using it altogether.

Posted byHolly McHughinCustomer Update

Aug 2021


Customer Update: August 2021

Welcome to BrightPay's August update. Our most important news this month include:

The long-term implications of COVID-19 on payroll        

Remote and hybrid working has forced us to explore payroll tools that we otherwise may not have considered pre-pandemic. BrightPay Connect can help with the challenges that many businesses faced throughout the past 18 months and will continue to affect businesses post-pandemic. 

Read more Book Connect demo

Employee self-service app: A must-have tool for every business    

BrightPay Connect gives employees access to a user-friendly smartphone and tablet app that gives them access to their payslips, HR documents, annual leave calendar and much more. Self-service apps are becoming more popular as they benefit both the employer and employee.  

Watch short video & Book Connect demo

Hybrid working & how it has transformed payroll forever 

The impact of COVID-19 on the way we work can be seen across almost every business and payroll is no different. In this guide, we deep dive into how hybrid working has transformed payroll forever.

Get your free copy

BrightPay’s integration with accounting software 

BrightPay's must-have direct API integration feature allows users to create wage journals from finalised pay periods so that they can be added directly into various accounting packages. Join our upcoming webinar on 10th August to see how the accounting software integration feature can benefit your business.

Most watched webinar on-demand: BrightPay & Modulr 

Simplify your payroll processes by integrating your payroll and payments. BrightPay’s integration with Modulr will allow you to pay employees, subcontractors, and HMRC in real-time. Find out more about the BrightPay & Modulr functionality by watching our webinar on-demand at a time that suits you.

Posted byHolly McHughinCustomer Update

Jul 2021


Customer Update: July 2021

Welcome to BrightPay's July update. Our most important news this month include:

Furlough Update – New Changes Come into Effect Today        

From 1st July, the Government contribution to furlough will reduce to 70% (up to £2,187.50) and the employer will also have to contribute 10% of wages. Join us for a free webinar where we will discuss the key changes to the CJRS and answer any questions that you may have. The webinar takes place on 28th July at 10.30 am and is free to attend for all employers and payroll bureaus. 

Book your place now

Introducing BrightPay’s New Client Hub – Content to share with your clients!    

How can you promote BrightPay Connect to your clients? To get the most out of it, you need to educate your clients on the benefits of the service and how to use it. We’ve designed a new Client Hub that you can share with your clients containing everything they need to know - videos, guides, benefits and more!  

Visit Client Hub Book a demo

New Feature: Pay HMRC using Modulr 

This new feature provides a fast, secure and easy way to pay HMRC through BrightPay. It adds to BrightPay’s existing integration with Modulr that helps you to:

  • Pay Instantly (under 90 seconds)
  • Pay anytime, anywhere (including weekends and bank holidays)
  • Eliminate Bacs files when paying employees and HMRC
  • Cut down on errors associated with manual entry 
Webinar for Bureaus Webinar for Employers

Multiple Users in BrightPay Connect

Employers have the option to add as many users as they wish to their BrightPay Connect account at no additional cost. Invite managers or an external accountant as a standard user and set up user permissions for different access levels. For example, you can set up a department manager to manage employee leave, with no access to the payroll.  

Let's Get Topical - The Vaccine Policy

One year on, the impact of COVID-19 on the employment landscape is hugely significant and has brought about many changes, especially the provisions of an employment contract. This is why Bright Contracts has been a saving grace for many employers as it regularly updates all contract and handbook content.

To get an insight into what Bright Contracts can do, you can watch our video and you can also download a trial version of the software first to get a look at the content and layout.

BrightPay's Sustainability Journey 

Here at BrightPay we take environmental responsibility very seriously and are committed to developing our business towards ecological sustainability at both a company and an individual level. Our new purpose-built offices opened in May 2021. We have also recently established a passionate Green Team to educate, promote and inspire sustainability to our employees and our loyal customers. 


Posted byHolly McHughinCustomer Update

Jun 2021


Customer Update: June 2021

Welcome to BrightPay's June update. Our most important news this month include:

Leaving Lockdown & The Ongoing Need for Furlough       

Although the UK is approaching the end of the roadmap out of lockdown, many businesses will need to avail of the furlough scheme until its very end in September 2021. Join BrightPay for a free webinar on 16th June where we discuss the furlough changes that are taking effect from the beginning of July.

Book your place now Webinar agenda

Disaster Recovery and How Cloud Backups Can Help   

Data loss poses a serious and unpredictable risk for many businesses. Never lose your payroll data again with BrightPay Connect as it maintains a chronological history of your backups. You can restore and download any of the backups to your PC or Mac at any time. 

10-minute demo

Digital Banking and its Impact on the Payroll Sector 

Rather than using the traditional Bacs payment services to pay employees, you can use Faster Payments Service to send money in real-time between bank accounts. A digital payments infrastructure offers greater payroll flexibility, reducing unnecessary stress. 

Read more

How to Manage the Annual Leave Backlog  

A self-service system is the simplest way to manage your staff's annual leave – both from a HR and employee perspective. Give employees control to request annual leave, view leave taken and leave remaining all through an app on their smartphone or tablet.  

Make your Payroll Bureau Service Stand Out   

Introducing new cloud technologies to your clients and their employees can make it easier to grow your practice while saving money, time and improving efficiencies. Download this guide to discover easy steps you can take to ensure your bureau service stands out.   


Posted byHolly McHughinCustomer Update

May 2021


Customer Update: May 2021

Welcome to BrightPay's May update. Our most important news this month include:

Don’t miss the P60 deadline  

You need to provide a P60 for each employee on the payroll who was working for you on the last day of the tax year (5 April). All employers are legally obliged to issue P60s to employees by 31 May. You could face hefty fines from HMRC if you miss the deadline.

How to manage employees as lockdown ends  

As the UK draws closer to the end of lockdown and employees return to the workplace from furlough, employers and HR managers have a busy few months ahead. In this guide, we highlight important HR tips and best practices to remember as we approach the return to the workplace (and mistakes to avoid).

furlough extension

Connecting payroll & payments  

Eliminate the need to create bank files and forget the manual workload associated with making payments to employees and subcontractors. Join our free upcoming webinar to find out more about BrightPay’s new Direct Payments functionality. Click here to find out more.

Register here View agenda

Leaving Lockdown: Furlough, Redundancies & Vaccines in the Workplace 

This webinar will discuss the furlough wind-down, redundancies and how to implement a vaccine policy in the workplace. Discover how the furlough rules are changing in May and how the government subsidy will gradually decline from July onwards.  

Never lose your payroll data again  

With our add-on product, BrightPay Connect, you don't need to worry about manually backing up your payroll data. BrightPay Connect maintains a chronological history of your backups. You can restore or download any of the backups to your PC or Mac at any time.

Upcoming webinar – How to choose the right payroll software for your business 

There are so many payroll software providers on the market and each offer different packages and add-on products that choosing the right one for your business can become overwhelming. Join our free online webinar where we can help you make the right decision.


Posted byHolly McHughinCustomer Update

Apr 2021


Customer Update: April 2021

Welcome to BrightPay's April update. Our most important news this month include:

Furlough Extension: How the Rules are Changing  

The furlough scheme has once again been extended, this time until the end of September 2021. The rules in relation to scheme eligibility, the levels of subsidy support, and the reference period used for newly eligible employees are all due to change between now and September. 

Introducing BrightPay’s New Integration with Clear Books, FreshBooks, QuickFile and Zoho  

We are delighted to announce our new API integration with even more accounting software solutions including Clear Books, FreshBooks, QuickFile and Zoho. This joins our growing list of Integration options created by us to ensure our customers save time and reduce the risk of errors. 

Coming Soon: Pay Employees Directly through BrightPay  

BrightPay’s new integration with Modulr will give you a fast, secure and easy way to pay employees through BrightPay. Processing payroll and paying employees shouldn’t be separate tasks and we have a solution! Coming next week.  

Upcoming Webinar Find out more

IR35 - Are you Ready?  

IR35 rules take effect 6th April. It is fast-approaching and recent studies found that 30% of businesses are unprepared despite organisations having had an additional year to prepare for the extension. Take action now with just under 1 week to go. 

Greener Supply Chain with BrightPay 

Here at BrightPay we take environmental responsibility very seriously and are committed to developing our business towards ecological sustainability at both a company and an individual level. Our new carbon efficient offices will open in 2021. We have also recently established a passionate Green Team to educate, promote and inspire sustainability to our employees and our loyal customers. Subscribe to BrightPay’s sustainability newsletter to follow our journey.


Posted byHolly McHughinCustomer Update

Mar 2021


Customer Update: March 2021

Welcome to BrightPay's March update. Our most important news this month include:

BrightPay 2021/22 is Now Available to Pre-Order  

BrightPay 2021/22 is scheduled for release the week commencing 22nd March. We will send you another email once it is released and ready to download.  

furlough extension

Top Tips for Migrating your Payroll to BrightPay  

In this webinar, we explore the benefits associated with switching to BrightPay. Plus, discover some top tips for making the transition to BrightPay as seamless as possible.  

Free Webinar | IR35 Reforms - Are you Ready?  

Discover how to comply with the upcoming changes to the off-payroll working rules, and how they will affect your business and payroll processes. Guest Speaker: Jas Jhooty, emTax  

furlough extension

Pay Employees Directly from BrightPay – Coming in BrightPay 21/22  

BrightPay’s new functionality will give you a fast, secure and easy way to pay employees through BrightPay. Eliminate the need to create bank files and the manual workload associated with making payments to employees.

Another Furlough Extension, Another Set of Changes 

The furlough scheme has been extended for a further five months until the end of September, with the scheme winding down from July. In this webinar, we look at how the scheme rules are going to change between now and September. 

furlough extension

New and Improved Multi-User Features are on the way  

We are introducing new multi-user features that work in conjunction with BrightPay Connect to improve the working from home experience, including an 'other users' check and a 'latest version' check.

Posted byRachel HynesinCustomer Update