We’re pleased to announce that BrightPay Payroll Software 2025/26 for both Desktop and Cloud is due to be released on 21st March 2025

NOTE: You are viewing documentation for a previous tax year version of BrightPay. Click here to view the documentation for the current 2024/25 tax year version.

Directors' NICs

There are two possible methods of calculating Director's NIC:

  • Annual Basis

  • Pro-Rata Basis (Alternate Basis)


HMRC guidelines advise that the Annual Basis is the preferred method for calculating Directors' NIC - that is:

  • calculate NIC's on the total earnings paid to the director each time a payment is made

  • deduct the NIC's already paid, if any, to arrive at the amount of NIC's now due


Under the Pro-Rata Basis (Alternate Basis), on the final payment in month 12, the entire NIC's are to be recalculated on total earnings in month 12 and a manual adjustment made in that remittance. HMRC guidelines state that this method can lead to disproportionate amounts of NIC being payable at year end.


BrightPay facilitates both of these calculation methods. The user desired method of calculating NI must be indicated at the first pay period for the Director and cannot be changed thereafter.


Annual Basis

The Annual Basis assigns the NI thresholds of LEL, PT, ST and UEL on an annual/ cumulative basis.

This means that in week one, the thresholds assigned to the calculation of the NI for that week will be:

LEL  £5,824

PT  £8,060

ST  £8,112

UEL  £43,000


The annual thresholds are assigned in total and the NI is calculated on a constant cumulative basis.

This method differs to the normal calculation of NI for a non-director employee which, in week one, would only assign the weekly thresholds of:


LEL  £112

PT  £155

ST  £156

UEL  £827


Pro-Rata Basis

This method differs to the Annual Basis in that it assigns the periodic LEL, PT, ST and UEL to each periodic wage/ salary in the same manner as the NI calculation for a non-Director employee. Therefore on a weekly basis,  the following NI thresholds are assigned:


LEL  £112

ST  £155

PT  £156

UEL  £827


This alternative method is only recommended when a Director's periodic salary will consistently exceed the equivalent periodic UEL in each pay period AND ONLY where the Director will be paid for the entire tax year as a Director.

Due to the different application of the NI thresholds under both Director NI calculations, it is not possible to switch between the two calculation methods during the tax year.

Please refer to the HMRC guideline booklet CA44 for further information


Applying the Pro-Rata Basis in BrightPay

By default, BrightPay will automatically apply the Annual Basis for NIC calculation for Directors, as this is the preferred method of calculation by HMRC. The pro-rata version is only recommended when a Director's periodic salary will consistently exceed the equivalent periodic UEL in each pay period AND ONLY where the Director will be paid for the entire tax year as a Director.


To apply the pro-rata basis, click Employees:

1) Select the Director from the employee listing

2) Within their record, select the Tax/ NICs/RTI heading

3) Under the National Insurance Number, tick to indicate that the employee is a director

4) For Director's National Insurance, tick to 'Use alternate method for calculating directors' NICs'

5) Click Save Changes


Need help? Support is available at 0345 9390019 or [email protected].

Important Information for MAC UsersInstalling BrightPayImporting From The Previous Tax YearMoving to BrightPay from another payroll softwareEmployer DetailsEmployee DetailsProcessing PayrollPayroll CalendarPayslip TranslationsMaking Corrections to PayrollPre-paying an EmployeeScheduling Future PaymentsSwitching an Employee's Pay FrequencyRTICommon HMRC Error MessagesHMRC PaymentsAnalysisStartersLeaversStudent Loan DeductionsStatutory PaymentsPensionsAttachment of EarningsPayroll GivingDirectorsEmployee CalendarHolidaysTaxScottish Rate of Income Tax (SRIT)National InsuranceEmployment AllowanceNational Minimum Wage and National Living WageRates & Thresholds at a GlanceYear EndBacking Up/ Restoring Your PayrollBrightPay Licence Terms and ConditionsConstruction Industry Scheme (CIS)Ordering for The New Tax YearAutomatic EnrolmentBrightPay CloudExpenses & Benefits