As soon as you reach your staging date, BrightPay will automatically assess your employees for you and determine whether your employees are eligible jobholders, non eligible jobholders or entitled workers.
Workers who are not eligible for automatic enrolment but are "entitled" to join a pension scheme. These include workers who either:
As soon as you reach your staging date in the Payroll utility, on-screen flags and alerts will appear to notify that you have automatic enrolment duties to perform.
You must now choose the next appropriate action to take for this employee:
An employer must first provide an entitled worker with information about their right to join a qualifying AE scheme. BrightPay will automatically prepare this letter for you and will include the following information:
After clicking Letter, Select Print/ Create PDF/ Email as required:
BrightPay will ask for a date and the signatory to be added to the letter. If printing or exporting the communication letter, further customisation of the letter is available within the 'Options' menu.
Once this letter has been given or emailed to the employee, simply Mark as Done:
Entitled workers may choose to join the company pension scheme - to add an employee to the pension scheme select Join:
1) Select the correct Assessment for the employee
2) Enter the correct Join Date
3) Select the AE Scheme required from the drop down listing
4) Select the applicable Tax Relief from the drop down listing - If tax relief at source applies, the employee's contributions will be adjusted by 0.2%.
5) Press Continue
The employee has now been opted in to the selected group of your pension scheme
Once an employee has joined a pension scheme pension, contribution deductions start from the current open or subsequent pay period.
The deduction applied to the payslip is made in accordance with the contribution rates and earnings bands selected when setting up your pension scheme in BrightPay.
Please note: if tax relief is at source, then the employee contribution will be adjusted by 0.2%.
Please note: for Entitled Workers there is no obligation on the employer to make any contributions towards the employee's pension.
All pension contributions deducted from an employee's pay in each pay period will be itemised on their payslip. Employees should be issued with a payslip for each pay period.
BrightPay facilitates the printing, exporting and emailing of payslips.
Need help? Support is available at 0345 9390019 or