Employers will need to make a claim for their grant for their furloughed workers through HMRC's Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme online service.
This online service is now available to use and can be accessed here.
The following are examples of the screens you will complete when making your claim.
Please note: dummy information has been used for demonstration purposes and therefore some screens may differ depending on your own selections. The example is also based on there being less than 100 furloughed employees in the sample company.
The remaining screens which follow will ask you to confirm and submit your claim.
Once you have submitted the claim, you will see a confirmation screen where a claim reference number will be provided.
Please print the confirmation screen or note down the claim reference number provided as you will not receive an email confirmation.
Need help? Support is available at 0345 9390019 or brightpayuksupport@brightsg.com.