We’re pleased to announce that BrightPay Payroll Software 2025/26 for both Desktop and Cloud is due to be released on 21st March 2025

NOTE: You are viewing documentation for a previous tax year version of BrightPay. Click here to view the documentation for the current 2024/25 tax year version.

Processing Subcontractor Payments

BrightPay caters for the processing of tax weekly and tax monthly subcontractors payments. Both pay frequencies can be operated at any time within the same company dataset.

The subcontractor payment frequency is selected within the Payment tab of the subcontractor record.  

BrightPay will create the required subcontractor payment schedules i.e. weekly/monthly or both.

The first pay period i.e. week/month 1 will be displayed.

All subcontractors for the relevant pay frequency will be listed in a summary view. To edit a subcontractor's pay, simply click on the subcontractor name.


Basic Periodic Pay - If the subcontractor is paid a basic gross, enter the amount in the field provided. An ‘Edit’ facility is available if you wish to perform a net to gross calculation, change departmental weighting etc. A ‘delete’ option is also available within the Edit facility, should you wish to completely remove a pay item.

Hourly Pay - If a subcontractor is hourly paid, the default rate entered in the subcontractor record will be displayed. If this rate still applies, enter the number of hours required. To add more pay items, click the ‘Add’ button and select whether you wish to add a weekly pay amount, a daily pay amount or another hourly rate. To amend an hourly rate, click on the drop down menu and select an option from the list. To enter a new hourly rate, select ‘Add additional hourly rate’ and type in the amount and description desired.

Daily Pay -  If a subcontractor is daily paid, the default rate entered in the subcontractor record will be displayed. If this rate still applies, enter the number of days required. To add more pay items, click the ‘Add’ button and select whether you wish to add a weekly pay amount, an hourly pay amount or another daily rate. To amend a daily rate, click on the drop down menu and select an option from the list. To enter a new daily rate, select ‘Add additional daily rate’ and type in the amount and description desired.



Enter any cost of materials relevant to the subcontractor for the pay period.


Additions & Deductions

Additions - To add an addition to the subcontractor payment, click on the ‘Add’ button within the ‘Additions & Deductions’ section. If applicable, select a preset addition from the list and enter the desired amount. To add a further addition repeat this process. If you wish to add an addition which is not available in the preset list, simply access the employer utility select "addition types" and choose "new". Enter a description of your choice and the amount required. Select whether the addition is to be subject to tax, NIC, CIS etc.  Additions can also be set as being relevant to both employees and subcontractors or specific to one.  Once the addition has been setup, return to CIS payments and continue entering the subcontractor payments.  If you wish to re-order any additions, an ‘Ordering’ function is available within the edit option.

Deductions - To include a deduction for the subcontractor, click on the ‘Add’ button within the ‘Additions & Deductions’ section. Select a preset option from the list and enter the amount desired. If you wish to add a deduction which is not available in the preset list, simply access the employer utility select "deduction types" and choose "new" .Select whether the deduction should be deducted before CIS etc. To add a further deduction repeat this process.  Deductions can also be set as being relevant to both employees and subcontractors or specific to one.Once the deduction has been setup, return to CIS payments and continue entering the subcontractor payments. If you wish to re-order any additions, an ‘Ordering’ function is available within the edit option.

The subcontractor's payment details will be displayed on screen.

To edit a subcontractor's payment settings, an ‘Edit Settings’ button is available on the subcontractor's payment screen. Settings which can be edited within this screen are the subcontractor's CIS details, their departmental association, their rates and payment details.

After completing a subcontractor's pay, either return to the summary view by clicking on the tab button to the left of the screen or simply select a name from the list to edit the next subcontractor's pay.



Need help? Support is available at 0345 9390019 or [email protected].

22-23 BrightPay - System Requirements22-23 BrightPay - DownloadIntroduction to BrightPayImportant Information for Mac UsersStarting the New Tax YearImporting From The Previous Tax YearInstalling BrightPayMoving to BrightPay from another payroll softwareBureau Enhancements - Useful Functionality for Bureau Licence HoldersEmployer DetailsEmployee DetailsCoding NoticesPayroll CalendarProcessing PayrollImporting Pay Data using CSV FileDistributing PayslipsPaying EmployeesRTICommon HMRC Error MessagesAnalysisPayroll JournalsHMRC PaymentsMaking Corrections to PayrollScheduling Future PaymentsSwitching an Employee's Pay FrequencyDirectorsOff-Payroll Working (IR35)StartersLeaversStudent Loan DeductionsPostgraduate Loan DeductionsStatutory PaymentsAttachment of EarningsExpenses & BenefitsPensions (outside of Automatic Enrolment)Payroll GivingYear EndRates & Thresholds at a GlanceTaxNational InsuranceNational Minimum/Living WageMileage Allowance Payments (MAPs)Employment AllowanceApprenticeship LevyTermination Awards & Sporting TestimonialsGender Pay Gap ReportingLeave Reporting & Employee CalendarAnnual LeavePayslip TranslationsBacking Up/Restoring Your PayrollConstruction Industry Scheme (CIS)Automatic EnrolmentBrightPay ConnectGDPRBright Terms and Conditions and BrightPay End User Licence AgreementBright ID