Check out our free guides and whitepapers.

Sometimes it's hard to find your way through the vast amount of documentation available for payroll and auto enrolment. Our guides distill the information you need to know into clear and convenient downloads, available for free below.

Guides for Payroll Bureaus & Accountants

Protect your clients’ payroll: Top 5 security tips

Is your practice’s online security up-to-scratch? From virus to theft, it’s more important than ever to ensure your clients' and their employees' payroll data is safe and secure.

In this free guide, we share our top 5 security tips and how you can use this as a tool to expand your service offering to clients.

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10 Tips for Successfully Switching Payroll Software

In this guide we break down the process of changing software providers and what you can do to prepare for a successful move. With insights learned from working closely with our customers, we've identified critical points, that when addressed, mean businesses are well prepared and can quickly transition to their new payroll software.

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The Power of Payroll Automation for Accountants

It’s time to work smarter and faster when processing payroll.

Thanks to payroll automation and cloud integration, accountants can turn payroll into the smooth and profitable service that it can (and should) be.

Don’t miss out – Get your free copy today to discover how you can improve your payroll services by embracing payroll automation and cloud integration.

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Save your practice over £20,000 a year using BrightPay and BrightPay Connect

In this document, we look at what’s most important to accountants and bureaus when choosing a payroll software - exactly how much value can it bring to your practice?

Using customer research, we quantify the value of BrightPay and BrightPay’s cloud extension product, BrightPay Connect, in terms of time and cost savings.

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How hybrid working has transformed payroll forever

In this guide, we highlight how the pandemic has affected payroll and the long-term implications that we will see post-pandemic.

Get your free copy today to discover how you can use the move to hybrid working as an opportunity to grow and diversify your practice.

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In-House Payroll

COVID-19 & the big shift to bringing payroll in-house to safeguard jobs

The guide examines the ultimate benefits that businesses can gain by making the switch to bringing their payroll in-house. Discover how you can process your in-house payroll smarter, faster and more efficiently.

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Cloud Technologies

Beyond Payroll: How to Price BrightPay Connect for Your Payroll Clients

BrightPay Connect unlocks a range of new, unique selling points, giving you the opportunity to enhance your payroll services, strengthen client relationships and increase profits. 

In this guide, we’ll help you identify four ways to market and introduce BrightPay Connect as part of your payroll service offering.

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Make your payroll bureau service stand out with online client platforms

Discover easy steps to make your bureau service stand-out by embracing online client platforms. New cloud technologies make it easy to grow your practice, while saving money, time and improving efficiencies.

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Payroll transformed: How client cloud platforms supercharge your bureau

In this guide, we’ll zoom in on six exciting ways client cloud platforms have transformed payroll services. Not in the distant or even medium-term future: now. Download now to discover how cloud integration can help you today. 

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Payroll transformed: How cloud platforms supercharge the payroll process for employers

Thanks to payroll software with cloud integration, employers can work more efficiently, by streamlining administrative processes and delegating manual tasks to their employees. 

In this guide, we’ll zoom in on six exciting ways cloud platforms have transformed the payroll process. Not in the distant or even medium-term future: now. Here’s how cloud integration can help you today.

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From process to profit: Four ways payroll processing can add to your bottom line

Payroll is now more than an administrative task, it can be a profit machine and innovation centre for your firm with the advancements of cloud portals.

Discover four specific areas where payroll innovation has already had an impact.

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9 reasons why client cloud platforms will be central to the future of payroll services

This essential checklist will make it feasible to offer cloud platforms to clients while streamlining your payroll processing and increasing your profits. Download this guide to find out more.

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Payroll as a profit machine: How cloud changes everything

New cloud technologies can positively impact the way bureaus offer payroll services. Be ready to offer a new level of payroll and HR related services by embracing cloud innovation. Download this guide to find out more.

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GDPR and the future of payroll

GDPR Guide for Employers - What you need to know about consent, emailing payslips, and your legal obligation.

In this guide, we will specifically look at the impact of GDPR on your payroll processing and highlight the biggest areas of concern. We will walk through some important steps to achieve GDPR compliance.

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Payroll Data and GDPR

GDPR Guide for Payroll Bureaus - What you need to know about consent, emailing payslips, and your legal obligation.

In this guide, we will specifically look at the impact of GDPR on payroll bureaus and highlight the biggest areas of concern. We will walk through some important steps to achieve GDPR compliance.

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BrightPay & GDPR Compliance

This guide highlights how BrightPay and our cloud add-on product BrightPay Connect will assist you with GDPR compliance by providing an additional layer of security.

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