How our Connect pricing is calculated

BrightPay Connect is priced based on the number of active employees in a particular month. This means that you won't be charged for employees who left before the start of the month, or who are on the payroll but not due to start until after the month end. The cost per month is scalable, depending on the number of active employees. The cost per employee reduces as you add more employees.

Number of Active Employees
Monthly Cost Per Employee
1st employee
2nd to 5th employee
6th to 10th employee
11th to 25th employee
26th to 50th employee
51st to 100th employee
101st to 250th employee
251st to 500th employee
501st to 1000th employee
1001st+ employee
Prices are per month and exclusive of VAT.

Example: 10 active employees

  1 employee  @ £0.50  = £0.50 
4 employees   @ £0.40  = £1.60 
5 employees  @ £0.36  = £1.80 
Total cost for 10 employees  = £3.90
BrightPay Connect Pricing Calculator