
Reducing & Offsetting Emissions 

2021 sees the opening of our new offices, the excitement and energy around the new offices has reinvigorated our efforts to reduce our carbon emissions. The purpose built offices are at the top of the spectrum in terms of energy efficiency. 

Key features of our new building include: 

The new offices afford us new opportunities to record and monitor our carbon emissions. Following an initial period of review, we will look to offset our emissions with the ultimate goal of becoming truly carbon neutral.  

Green IT


Workplace Efficiencies 

We concentrate on improving the efficiency of internal processes and procedures in the same way as we do for our external customers.

In addition, our in-house ECO Squad is tasked with raising awareness amongst all our staff. They promote initiatives which minimise single-use plastics, implement effective recycling and explore other ways to reduce our carbon impact as a business and as individuals. 

Celebrating Earth Day allows to reset and renew our endeavours annually. 



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