Non-eligible jobholders have the right to opt in to a pension scheme where the employer must pay contributions towards the scheme. Entitled workers have the right to join a scheme, however the employer has no obligation to contribute towards it. BrightPay can easily process both requests.
Order using your Bright ID
Creating a new Bright ID
Using an existing Bright ID
Getting Started with BrightPay
BrightPay Payroll Demo
BrightPay Connect
Employee Smartphone App Demo
Setting up a New Employer
Additional Employer Information
Adding an Employee - Personal / Employment Details
BrightPay's new cloud version is the future. If you are a current BrightPay for Windows/Mac customer, you should consider moving to the cloud version.
If you are a new customer, we highly recommend that you sign up for the cloud version instead of purchasing the desktop version. Annual and monthly pricing plans are available.