It is possible to get an overview of what automatic enrolment will look like before you reach your staging date. BrightPay's free pre-assessment tool will include details of the pensionable pay, qualifying earnings and pension scheme contribution amounts which are estimates based on those in the current pay period for each employee, and so are subject to change.
The standard qualifying earnings and contribution rates and are used for all calculations. The tool is completely free to BrightPay customers and also includes general information about employee assessment.
Order using your Bright ID
Creating a new Bright ID
Using an existing Bright ID
Getting Started with BrightPay
BrightPay Payroll Demo
BrightPay Connect
Employee Smartphone App Demo
Setting up a New Employer
Additional Employer Information
Adding an Employee - Personal / Employment Details
BrightPay's new cloud version is the future. If you are a current BrightPay for Windows/Mac customer, you should consider moving to the cloud version.
If you are a new customer, we highly recommend that you sign up for the cloud version instead of purchasing the desktop version. Annual and monthly pricing plans are available.